SA Truck Bodies: SA’s leading trailer manufacturer

Are you looking for a durable and reliable trailer? Then consider finding SA Truck Bodies trailers for sale online. With the wide range of products that are available on the South African market you are sure to find what you are looking for. Whether you want to buy a flatbed trailer or a superlink trailer consider purchasing your equipment from this well-known brand. You can sell products or find a tipper for sale on Truck and Trailer.


SA Truck Bodies is one of the top trailer manufacturers on the African continent. Not only do they manufacture quality trailers but also provide the local market with useful products. Their excellent trailers are the culmination of years of experience and the company’s innovative designs. SA Truck Bodies sell trailers that show case their in-depth knowledge of the industry as well as modern advancements. They are dedicated to meeting the requirements of their customers. With this in mind they strive to develop trailers that offer transport solutions. State-of-the-art technology allows this company to provide their customers with top performing trailers. Not only are their trailers the epitome of excellence, they also have competitive price tags. For over three decades the company has been refining their skills in manufacturing trailers.

There are a variety of different trailers and products that are available from this manufacturer. Options include the Platform, Side Tipper, Rear End Tipper and Agriculture trailers. You can also choose between the Heavy Haulage, Volume Van, Walking Floor and Waste Handling trailers. Depending on the type of business that you are running you may also have use for the Fuel Tanker, Bulk Feed Tanker and Food Grade Tanker trailers.


Image Credit: SA Truck Bodies

The Company has an in-house financial division which provides financial packages such as residual value and maintenance leases. Other options are buy-back arrangements and rentals. Customised packages are designed to meet the unique requirements of each client. With a network of distribution points throughout Africa you can be sure that you will find the right product for your business.


Truck and Trailer is a great platform to find a range of products from this particular manufacturer. Second hand trailers offer you great value-for-money. If you are looking for a fantastic bargain, find a used trailer for sale that is in good condition. With SA Truck Bodies’ outstanding reputation buying a used model from this manufacturer is a great choice.

Trailers for sale on Truck and Trailer

To get an overview of the trailers that are available on the South African market, take a look at the tipper, flatbed and other trailers for sale on Truck and Trailer.

A Side Tipper Semi-Trailer

A 2001 Side Tipping Trailer is available for sale on Truck and Trailer. Manufactured by renowned SA Truck Bodies this trailer offers excellent quality and performance. It is located in Camperdown.


Side Tipper for sale

This trailer is for sale at the competitive price of R 125 000 plus VAT. It is a 2006 model and is available from Gauteng. It needs repairs and has missing brake bossters.


Dropside trailers for sale

A 1.5 meter trailer is for sale on Truck and Trailer. This 1997 model is in good condition. It has grain doors and aluminium rims. It can carry a maximum load of 33T on Legal over the Scale.


Side Tipping Interlink Trailer

This 2007 model costs R 285 000 plus VAT. It offers on air suspension as well as a spare wheel carrier and tool box. It is located in Gauteng.


Tridem Trailer

This flatbed trailer is 14mt and has a mechanical suspension as well as 1mt headboard pockets. It is a 2004 model which is for sale in Gauteng.


Now that you have an overview of the trailers that are available, head to the Truck and Trailer website to see more great deals and find high quality trailers for sale. Once you know what you are looking for – be it a flatbed or tipper for sale – it is easier to find products that meet your needs. After you have found trailers that are a good match for your business, make sure that you get someone to take a look at them first hand. Buying a reputable brand such as SA Truck Bodies will save you money on repair and maintenance work in the future. It is also advisable to choose a trailer that is in good condition.


Image Credit: SA Truck Bodies

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Bruce is an SEO guy that has his eye on the prize and traffic on his mind. A lover of good music and a connoisseur of all things awesome.

Bruce Ungersbock

Bruce is an SEO guy that has his eye on the prize and traffic on his mind. A lover of good music and a connoisseur of all things awesome.

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