FAW trucks to suit your every need

Trustworthy, durable and rugged, FAW trucks are designed to get the job done even in challenging conditions. Whether you are looking for a tipper truck or a truck tractor, FAW has got you covered. If you are operating in the construction industry, FAW mixer trucks are an excellent investment. Find FAW trucks for sale on Truck & Trailer.

Freight Carriers

freight carrier

Image source: FAW website

Freight carriers make it easy to transport cargo from one location to another. They offer your business a safe and stable transportation solution. The wide selection of FAW trucks makes it easy to find one that meets your requirements. Body options include a dropside or van body. You can also opt for a taut-liner or roll-back body, depending on the requirements of your operations, while insulated bodies are available for the freight carriers in the FAW range. The reliability of these trucks makes them an asset to your business.

The FAW 8.140FL is equipped with a forward tilt cab which offers space for a driver as well as two passengers. Air-conditioning maintains a pleasant temperature inside the cab, while the radio provides entertainment on longer trips. Model options include the FAW 8.140FL, 15.18FL, 16.240FL and 28.330FL. For an overview of the specifications for each model in this range, take a look at the table below.

FAW 8.140FLFAW 15.180FL16.240FL28.330FL
EngineCummins ISF 3.8s3141FAW CA6DF2-18FAW CA6DF2-24WEICHAI WD 615.44
Capacity3 760cm36 557cm37 127cm39 728cm3
Power105kW @ 2 600rpm132kW @ 2 300rpm177kW @ 2 300rpm245kW @ 2 200rpm
Torque450 Nm @ 1 200 - 2 200rpm650Nm @ 1 350 - 1 600rpm890 Nm @ 1 400rpm1 250 Nm @ 1 200 - 1 600rpm
Emissions standardEuro IIEuro IIEuro IIEuro II
GVM8 999kg15 000kg18 000kg28 000kg
GCM14 000kg24 000kg32 000kg50 000kg

Tipper Truck

tipper truck by faw

Image source: FAW website

With their rugged design and reliable performance, it is easy to see why a FAW tipper truck is an asset to your company. These trucks are popular in the construction industry and their durable components ensure that they won’t let you down when the going gets tough. The FAW 8.140FD is the entry level model to this range. With its powerful performance, the FAW 35.340FD is at the forefront of the tipper FAW trucks. For an overview of their specifications, take a look at the table below.

FAW 8.140FDFAW 35.340FD
EngineCummins ISF 3.8s3141Weichai WD 615.69
Capacity3 760cm39 728cm3
Power105kW @ 2 600rpm250kW @ 2 200rpm
Torque450 Nm @ 1 200 - 2 200rpm1 350 Nm @ 1 100 - 1 600rpm
Emissions standardEuro IIIEuro III
GVM8 999kg35 000kg
GCM14 000kg45 000kg

Truck Tractor

faw tractor truck

Image source: FAW website

A FAW truck tractor offers you the perfect transport solution for both short- and long-distance trips. Whether you have small or large loads to deliver, you can find a truck tractor in this range that matches your requirements. Their robust design and efficiency decreases running costs. For an overview of the 15.180 FT and 28.380 FT, take a look at the table below.

FAW 15.180FTFAW 28.380FT
EngineEngine FAW CA6DF2-18Weichai WD 615.38
Capacity6 557cm39 726cm3
Power132kW @ 2 300rpm280kW @ 2 200rpm
Torque650 Nm @ 1 350 - 1 600rpm1 460 Nm @ 1 400 – 1 600rpm
Emissions standardEuro IIEuro II
GVM15 000kg33 700kg
GCM24 000kg62 200kg
Mixer Trucks
mixer truck from faw

Image source: FAW website

FAW Mixer Trucks are perfect for both small and big construction jobs. FAW’s expertise combined with innovative technology has resulted in their range of quality mixer trucks. With the option of the FAW 33.330FC and 35.340FC to choose from, you can find FAW trucks for sale that match your requirements. For an overview of the models in this range, take a look at the specifications table below.

FAW 33.330FC35.340FC
EngineWeichai WD 615.44Weichai WD 615.69
Capacity9 726cm39 728cm3
Power245kW @ 2 200rpm250kW @ 2 200rpm
Torque1 250 Nm @ 1 400 - 1 700rpm1 350 Nm @ 1 100 - 1 600rpm
Emissions standardEuro IIEuro II
GVM33 000kg35 000kg
GCM33 000kg45 000kg

Find FAW trucks for sale and boost the productivity of your operations. Whether you need freight carriers or mixers, there are FAW trucks designed to put your operations ahead of the competition.

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Truck & Trailer Staff Writer

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2 Responses

  1. Hi
    I am looking for a Horse with a mounted crane on it, that will be able to lift and carry a container and also be able to deliver it to the customers, and also looking for a 40,000 liter tanker as soon as possible, please send me quotations for both.

    • Jani Grey says:

      Hi Handsome,

      Thank you for reading our blog post. You can find a variety of trucks with cranes here > https://goo.gl/a9vTJH
      For tankers, please click here > https://goo.gl/ts7Qt3

      Alternatively, click on this link and fill in the form to request a specific truck or tanker > https://goo.gl/RZZDJw Your details will be shared with our dealerships and one of them will contact you as soon as they have what you are looking for.

      Thank you for using Truck & Trailer

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